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Our funds



Investable universe

Shares, property, preference shares, bonds, cash and cash-equivalents

ASISA category

South African - Multi Asset - Flexible

Interest rate risk


Term and horizon

Long-term investment for individuals who are building their savings


CPI + 6%

Investment risk


Granate BCI Flexible Fund

This fund is suitable for individuals who are investing for the long term and are seeking capital growth. It aims to deliver inflation + 6% over periods of seven years and longer. The fund could be significantly invested in shares at times, resulting in volatility. It is allowed to be fully invested in shares. Aggregate offshore exposure will not exceed 45%.

Minimum Disclosure Document

Quarterly Commentary


Granate BCI Balanced Fund

This fund is suitable for individuals who are investing for the long term and are seeking capital growth. It aims to deliver inflation + 5% over periods of seven years and longer. The fund could be significantly invested in shares at times, resulting in volatility. It is managed to comply with the prudential guidelines for South African retirement funds. However, to enjoy retirement fund tax benefits, it must be accessed via a retirement product. Total exposure to shares may not exceed 75% and aggregate offshore exposure may not exceed 45%.

Minimum Disclosure Document

Quarterly Commentary


Investable universe

Shares, property, preference shares, bonds, cash and cash-equivalents.

ASISA category

South African - Multi Asset - High Equity

Interest rate risk


Term and horizon

Long-term investment for individuals who are building their savings


CPI + 5%

Investment risk

Moderate to high



Active Bond

Investable Universe

A combination of assets in liquid form and a combination of nominal, inflation-linked and corporate bonds as well as interest-bearing securities, including loan stock, debentures, debenture bonds, money market instruments, corporate debt and non-equity securities.

ASISA Category

SA Interest Bearing Variable Term

Risk Profile


Granate BCI Active Bond Fund

The fund is an actively managed income portfolio that invests mainly in nominal, inflation-linked bonds and corporate bonds, with the aim of providing investors with ALBI beating returns.

Minimum Disclosure Document

Quarterly Commentary


Multi Income

Granate BCI Multi Income Fund

This fund aims to deliver consistent positive returns above money market rates over periods of 18 months and longer. The explicit goal is 1% above prevailing market cash rates with no negative returns over rolling three-month periods. To generate higher returns than money market rates, the fund takes on moderate risk. This is done by investing in a diverse range of income-generating investments that typically have a longer time to maturity than money market investments. We manage this risk by doing thorough research on all instruments in which we invest. These may include cash, government bonds, corporate bonds, inflation-linked bonds, listed property or preference shares. This fund is suitable to investors who require consistent returns above money market rates with minimal downside risk, and who do not require regular liquidity.

Minimum Disclosure Document

Quarterly Commentary


Investable universe

Fixed interest, property and preference shares 

ASISA category

South African - Multi Asset - Income

Interest rate risk

Low but will fluctuate with prevailing market rates

Term and horizon

STeFI Composite Index +1% p.a.

1 - 3 years, shorter-term


Investment risk


Money Market

Investable universe

South African short-term money market instruments with maturities of less than 13 months issued by banks and other institutions

ASISA category

South African - Interest Bearing - Money Market

Interest rate risk

Very low but will fluctuate with prevailing market rates

Term and horizon

90 - 356 days, short


Alexander Forbes Short-Term
Fixed Interest (STeFI) Composite Index

Investment risk


Granate BCI Money Market Fund

This fund aims to provide a higher level of income than short-term fixed deposits and call accounts over time. It is suitable for investors who are seeking an alternative to bank deposits or a short-term investment with quick access to their money. The focus is on capital preservation and stable returns. However, fund returns will move according to prevailing market interest rates. These rates are largely driven by the repo rate set by the South African Reserve Bank.

Quarterly Commentary


Minimum Disclosure Document


+27 (0)21 276 3450

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Granate Asset Management (Pty) Ltd is an authorised

Financial Services Provider (FSP 46189) Reg No. 2015/090537/07

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IMG is committed to working with independent boutique investment managers (affiliates) to support their growth. They are aligned with Momentum Metropolitan.

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